(1.1-en) CleverReach Configuration
(1.1-en) CleverReach Configuration
Step 1: Allow external access to your REST API
- Log into your CleverReach Account: https://www.cleverreach.com/de/login
- Go to Account | User
- Click on Edit
- Check the REST API box
Step 2: Check user data
Caution: If no data is entered, the REST API cannot be used.
- Go to Account | Settings | Your Data
- Check all fields and enter your data
Step 3: Create an OAuth App with API 3
- Choose Extras | REST API
- Click on Create OAuth
- Enter the following in the tab:
App Name: Salesforce (CR API v3)
Redirect URL: *
APP image: not required
REST API version: Version 3
Scopes: Select all checkboxes
4. Open your new OAuth APP and leave the window open.
Now open in a new tab your Salesforce Org with the installation of the CleverReach App.
The next steps can be found here: Salesforce Configuration
, multiple selections available,