(1.0-en) FAQ
a. What is CleverReach for Salesforce?
CleverReach for Salesforce is a Salesforce application that creates a link between the e-mail marketing software CleverReach and the salesforce sales cloud.
b. How does CleverReach for Salesforce work?
CleverReach for Salesforce synchronizes e-mail campaigns with campaign members from the sales cloud to cleverReach and vice versa. In addition, campaigns reports and e-mails are then synchronized from cleverReach to salesforce.
c. How can a Salesforce Admin use it?
The Salesforce Admin can install the appilcation on its Org and can give employees access to it. He also has the possibility to change the synchronization settings.
d. How can a marketing department employee use it?
A marketing department employee can synchronize Salesforce campaigns with CleverReach. In addition, he can generate reports from the Synchronized Campaign data in the Salesforce Sales Cloud.
e. How secure is CleverReach for Salesforce?
CleverReach for Salesforce uses the OAuth2.0 protocol. This corresponds to a very high safety standard. OAuth2.0 uses a security token, which makes a recurring login unnecessary. It uses the token, which is generated individually for each account as authentication. CleverReach itself uses servers to the highest security standards. More information about OAuth2.0 can be found at: http://oauth.net/2/
For more information about CleverReach security standards, please visit: http://www.cleverreach.com/security
f. Can i see the send emails and reports in Salesforce?
With the latest release both are visible in the Salesforce campaign.
a. How do I install CleverReach for Salesforce ?
CleverReach for Salesforce is installed by your Salesforce administrator through Salesforce AppExchange for your Org, and then released for the respective user. Your Salesforce admin then sets up the connection to CleverReach. A user manual for setting up integration with the steps required in CleverReach and Salesforce can be found at: User Manual - Installation
b. How do I update CleverReach for Salesforce?
An update of your CleverReach for Salesforce application follows the same process as an → Installation of CleverReach for Salesforce. You can find help for upgrading packets Salesforce help by upgrading managed packages. You can find out which version you have installed by viewing details on: "installed package" .
An update of your CleverReach for Salesforce app follows the same process as a → installation. You can find help for upgrading packages in Salesforce help by upgrading managed packages. You can find out which version you have installed by viewing details on "Installed packages".
Questions about usage
a. How do I synchronize my campaigns?
You create a simple Salesforce campaign that lets you specify which users to include, as you would know from Salesforce. Then go to the campaign and select "Send campaign to CleverReach". Then press the button "Start synchronization with CleverReach". This triggers the synchronization of the campaign members and any response data. You can then edit the campaign in your CleverReach account and assign it an e-mail that you want to send.
b. How do i configure the automatic synchronization?
For it go to "CleverReach accounts" and select your CleverReach account. Select "edit". In the new window, set the hook on the "activate auto Synch" box. You can then specify a synchronization period. You have the choice between "Hourly", "Daily" or "Weekly". If you select "Daily", you can also select the exact hour, in "weekly" additionally also the weekday of the synchronization.
c. How can i synchronize a campaign with Salesforce?
Before you can synchonize a campaign, you must first ensure that it exists on both sides. Select also the campaigns and press "Send campaign to CleverReach". Select then "Edit" in the same campaign and set a hook in the box "is Auto-Synchronized". The campaign is now be regularly automatically synchronised in the synchronization period you have selected.
d. How do i synchronize the response data with Salesforce?
The synchronization also works via the button "Start synchronization with CleverReach" or by the Autosynchronization. The campaign is updated and data generated by sending is transferred to the sales cloud. The transferred data contain the following: soft and hard bounces, Logoff, openings, clicks, non-openings
e. How do I know who will receive certain mails from the campaign and who will not?
Since you can only synchronize a Salesforce campaign with CleverReach, you can simply use the Salesforce campaign, as you are accustomed to. Additionally, if you do not want to send e-mail to specific e-mail addresses, you can also enter them into the global CleverReach blacklist. To do this, select the CleverReach account in the sales cloud and create a black list entry.
f. How do I know if the Synchronisation is complete?
To do so, select the "details" tab in the campaign (Lightning, otherwise you will see it directly in the campaign). There is an sub-item "Last synchronization". If the date and the time were adapted accordingly, the synchronisation was completed,
Special cases during synchronization
a. Synchronization of e-mails with special umlauts (eg: ä, ö, ü) in the domain
Domains with special umlauts, we call them "Umlautdomains", are automatically converted by the Salesforce SalesCloud, according to Punycode regulations, into ASCII-compatible code as soon as you store them under the corresponding lead or contact data No difficulties in the synchronization process.
b. Synchronization of same Leads and contacts
Campaign members are considered as "equal" when they have the same e-mail address. In case you synchronize a Lead and a contact with the same e-mail address, the contact will always overwrite the Lead. If you synchronize 2 Leads or 2 contacts with the same e-mail adress, the older contact/Lead will always overwrite the younger one. Older means in this context that the contact contact/Lead was previously into Salesforce
c. Synchronization of existing campaigns does not work
When synchronizing campaigns that were subsequently added to CleverReach, the fields to be synchronized must be "global attributes" on the CleverReach page. Group-specific attributes can not be processed in the current version.
What are the best practices for Salesforce and CleverReach
a. Salesforce campaigns
For a more readable article on the effective use of Salesforce campaigns, visit http://www.salesforceben.com/5-tips-to-use-salesforce-campaigns-effectively/. A Salesforce guide for implementing campaigns (EN) is available at https://resources.docs.salesforce.com/202/latest/en-us/sfdc/pdf/salesforce_campaign_implementation_guide.pdf.