The Salesforce Admin can install the appilcation on its Org and can give employees access to it. To how many users he can give access, depends on the amount of purchased licenses. He also has the possibility to change the synchronization settings. For more information about license management and salesforce distribution, please visit: https://help.salesforce.com/apex/HTViewHelpDoc?id=distribution_managing_licenses.htm&language=de. Licenses for the app can be purchased here from logicline.
d. How can a marketing department employee use it?
A marketing department employee can synchronize Salesforce campaigns with CleverReach. In addition, he can generate reports from the Synchronized Campaign data in the Salesforce Sales Cloud.
e. Where can I order it and how many licenses do I need?
You can find the order form under https://www.logicline.de/cleverreach-for-salesforce-bestellformular/. You need licenses for all Salesforce Users with Marketing-Rights that want to work with CleverReach Campaign data.
f. How secure is CleverReach for Salesforce?
CleverReach for Salesforce uses the OAuth2.0 protocol. This corresponds to a very high safety standard. OAuth2.0 uses a security token, which makes a recurring login unnecessary. It uses the token, which is generated individually for each account as authentication. CleverReach itself uses servers to the highest security standards. More information about OAuth2.0 can be found at: http://oauth.net/2/
For more information about CleverReach security standards, please visit: http://www.cleverreach.com/security
gf. Can i see the send emails and reports in Salesforce?
An update of your CleverReach for Salesforce app follows the same process as a → installation. You can find help for upgrading packages in Salesforce help by upgrading managed packages. You can find out which version you have installed by viewing details on "Installed packages".
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a. How do I synchronize my campaigns?