To get the lastest version of CleverReach for Salesforce you have two possibilities:
click on the Get It Now Button
on the AppExchange
If you already were using API Version 3 in CleverReach you don't have to do anything for it to work. Otherwise you need to do following configurational steps first.
Check that the scope looks like in the next step to verify.
CleverReach Configuration
- Create OAuth App in CleverReach (Step 3):
You can delete the old OAuth as it's not needed anymore. Please don't close this Tab as you'll need it now in Salesforce.
Salesforce Configuration
- Use CleverReach OAuth data to update Consumer Key and Consumer Secret for the existing Authentication Provider (Step 1)
- In the Named Credential you need to adapt the URL and remove the Scope (Step 2)
- Authentication Settings for External Systems must be deleted and recreated for every CleverReach User if a Scope is defined (Step 3).