Please follow our installation guide, which is the same in case of upgrade too: Update
We will be happy to receive your feedback.
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Release Date: 2022-08-22
Limit the days the emails sent and their recipients are synchronized backwards
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Release Date: 2022-02-02
In case of errors during create, update or deletion of records, the error log now contains information regarding the affected records
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Release Date: 2021-10-11
Removed special characters from translations: compatibility with Salesforce Release Winter '22
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Release Date: 2020-05-05
Improvements in error logging
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Release Date: 2020-05-05
Access issues for components in newer salesforce orgs (from version Spring '20) fixed
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Release Date: 2019-11-29
Resolved error logging dependencies
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Release Date: 2019-10-16
Removed a field from the permission set which prevented the installation in some cases
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Release date: 2019-09-04
New Features
Campaign level blacklist under Cleverreach Accounts
CleverReach Email Histories related list in Lead and Contact
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Release date: 2018-06-26
New Features
Support of GDPR compliant Automatic deletion Function in CleverReach for unsubscribed/deactivated/not (double-opt-in) activated recipients.
German, English, Problemhandling
New CleverReach member status for not activated recipients
Renaming of 'Global Attribute' to 'Intergroup Fields' to match new naming in CleverReach
Deactivation Button for Campaign Members
Sync of Email Reports
Some CleverReach member statuses were shown wrong
Known Issues
Campaigns in Salesforce that have the auto sync checkbox enabled but were deleted in CleverReach can lead to sync problems.
How to Install the Upgrade?
If you were using API 3 already, you can just go to the AppExchange and install it over the existing installation in your Org.
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Release date: 2018-01-09
New Features
In this version we have the following new features:
Import campaign from CleverReach
Synchronizing email and recipients from CleverReach to Salesforce
Deleting campaign members
Update email of lead and contact from Salesforce
CleverReach Report and Overview in Salesforce Campaigns
Configuration settings for CleverReach API Version 3
Hint: → Since we have migrated to CleverReach API Version 3, existing users need to go through the authorization configuration settings again.
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Release date: 2017-08-17
In this version we have some improvements:
Known Issues and Problems
Problem with synchronizing big campaigns
The contacts or leads are not fully transferred from Salesforce® to CleverReach®. The Salesforce connection is properly connected, but the contacts or leads are not synchronized. User facing an issue while sending large amounts of Salesforce data to CleverReach, resulting in Salesforce data not fully updated in CleverReach (eg: 20.000+ records).
Improved the transaction issues while transferring large amount of data from Salesforce to CleverReach. Salesforce user can process bulk amounts of data to CleverReach. While increasing timeouts and decreasing the chunk size this data transaction issue is resolved.
Increased timeout for faster transactions.
Decreased chunk size for processing batches and loading records.
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Release date: 2017-05-22
In this version we have two main features and a support feature developed:
New Features
CleverReach global attributes with formula field: We have now added the formula fields of the objects in the available fields to be transferred from Salesforce to CleverReach
Deactivation of Campaign Members from Salesforce: You have now the ability to deactivate a campaign member in Salesforce and then synchronize this change to CleverReach.
Synchronization logs: This Feature will log and show under the CleverReach account in Salesforce all the issues that can happen during the synchronization between CleverReach and Salesforce. This will decrease the response time of our customer service because we will have the logs in order to have better understanding of what happened.
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(initial release 2017)